Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Will Babies with Down Syndrome Just Disappear? | Christianpost.com

Will Babies with Down Syndrome Just Disappear? | Christianpost.com

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Lacey said...

It scares me to think what the future has for any unborn baby. I guess all we can do is educate people, as hard as that seems. I want a girl so bad but I could never kill a baby because it was a boy and I wanted a girl. Sheesh.

Stephanie said...

this is as scary as it gets.I'm so exited to have Emilia, I get butterflies. I wish God would bless everyone who thinks the world would somehow benefit from getting rid of people with disabilities, with a beautiful baby with DS. Wouldn't that be a hoot!How do we educate people? How do we change there hearts? I watch Emilia work her magic on people, but how do we reach more than a person here or there?How do we reach the 92% of women who say NO, I don't want this baby?

To Love Endlessly said...

frightening to say the least...

Tausha said...

Dishearting! So glad all of us made the choice we did and are able to enjoy such sweet kids.