Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ruby and I reading together

Ruby's favorite books right now are Dr.Suess' 'Put Me In The Zoo,' and 'Hop on Pop.' She brings them to me several times a day and says,'Read!" Here we are reading together :


Becca said...

So adorable!!! Y'know, I haven't really read much Dr. Seuss to Samantha. I have forgotten how cute the rhyming is. Think I need to look into that again...

Beacon2Light said...

God bless you and Ruby. May God continue to bless you with one another and with your family. Thank you for sharing this precious video.

Sweet Pea's Mommy said...

So darn cute!!!!

Lisa said...

One of Sheridan's faves of all time is "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?" Oh, man, he goes nuts for that book :)