Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The R-Word Hurts

Recently a friend of my 16 year old daughter came to our house to spend the day with us.While she was in our home she used the word "retarded" several times.This girl is a very nice and funny young woman and she enjoys the company of all of my children,Ruby included.I know she was unaware of how her words made me sick to my stomach and look to see where my precious daughter who has Down syndrome was. I'm glad Ruby didn't know what was being said but the rest of my children did and I wondered what they thought.

You know that little rhyme,"Sticks and stones may break my bones,but words will never hurt me?" Well, that is completely untrue.Words DO hurt.Wont you please think before you speak?


Holly said...

words do hurt...and most people don't realize what they're saying until it's pointed out...

Cheryl said...

Holly you're so right and I just want to add that my 16 year old daughter did have a talk with her friend and the friend was sooo mortified when she realized how her words had affected us.

Ruth E said...

I totally know what you mean - my brother seems to think jokes about "retards" are so funny...he's learning slowly and I haven't heard any in a while...but man those just make me sick to my stomach too...I hope and pray Esther will never hear that word directed at her...