Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mom! Mom!

I was sitting on our loveseat ,reading a digital book on my laptop,next

to my daughter E who was sharing her yogurt with Ruby.I was lost in the

story I was reading and suddenly I felt a little hand patting my knee

and a little voice saying,"Mom!" "Mom!" I looked up and Ruby pointed at

the yogurt container and she said,"Yummy!" Every word Ruby says brings

joy to my heart.I never take for granted anything she says or does

because not long ago I wondered if she would be able to talk to me and

interact with me the way she does.Even when her words and meaning are

unintelligible I enjoy every moment of what she is so dramatically trying

to tell me.


Becca said...

Those moments are just so sweet. You will *always* treasure them, each and every time, forever. :-)

Beverly said...

so,so sweet. xo

Heather said...

The most beautiful moments are these. The simple and the everyday.Magical. all of them that came wrapped in that extra something, something.We are so very blessed.

Stephanie said...

Ok keep your video handy because I LOVE videos of Miss Ruby! She has always had such super progress in the speech dept. I remember her "baby" video and "dog" She just amazes me with her expressive/receptive language :))